So saying he set out and travelled till he came to a hill, where three
giants were sharing their father's goods; and as they saw him pass they
cried out and said, 'Little men have sharp wits; he shall part the goods
between us.' Now there was a sword that cut off an enemy's head whenever
the wearer gave the words, 'Heads off!'; a cloak that made the owner
invisible, or gave him any form he pleased; and a pair of boots that
carried the wearer wherever he wished. Heinel said they must first let
him try these wonderful things, then he might know how to set a value
upon them. Then they gave him the cloak, and he wished himself a fly,
and in a moment he was a fly. 'The cloak is very well,' said he: 'now
give me the sword.' 'No,' said they; 'not unless you undertake not to
say, "Heads off!" for if you do we are all dead men.' So they gave it
him, charging him to try it on a tree. He next asked for the boots also;
and the moment he had all three in his power, he wished himself at
the Golden Mountain; and there he was at once. So the giants were left
behind with no goods to share or quarrel about.
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