was pleased with the thought, and joined the party.
Soon afterwards, as they were passing by a farmyard, they saw a cock
perched upon a gate, and screaming out with all his might and main.
'Bravo!' said the ass; 'upon my word, you make a famous noise; pray what
is all this about?' 'Why,' said the cock, 'I was just now saying that
we should have fine weather for our washing-day, and yet my mistress and
the cook don't thank me for my pains, but threaten to cut off my
head tomorrow, and make broth of me for the guests that are coming
on Sunday!' 'Heaven forbid!' said the ass, 'come with us Master
Chanticleer; it will be better, at any rate, than staying here to have
your head cut off! Besides, who knows? If we care to sing in tune, we
may get up some kind of a concert; so come along with us.' 'With all my
heart,' said the cock: so they all four went on jollily together.
They could not, however, reach the great city the first day; so when
night came on, they went into a wood to sleep. The ass and the dog laid
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