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Grimms' Fairy Tales

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Catherine, and they had not long been married. One day Frederick said.
'Kate! I am going to work in the fields; when I come back I shall be
hungry so let me have something nice cooked, and a good draught of ale.'
'Very well,' said she, 'it shall all be ready.' When dinner-time drew
nigh, Catherine took a nice steak, which was all the meat she had, and
put it on the fire to fry. The steak soon began to look brown, and to
crackle in the pan; and Catherine stood by with a fork and turned it:
then she said to herself, 'The steak is almost ready, I may as well go
to the cellar for the ale.' So she left the pan on the fire and took a
large jug and went into the cellar and tapped the ale cask. The beer ran
into the jug and Catherine stood looking on. At last it popped into her
head, 'The dog is not shut up--he may be running away with the steak;
that's well thought of.' So up she ran from the cellar; and sure enough
the rascally cur had got the steak in his mouth, and was making off with

Away ran Catherine, and away ran the dog across the field: but he ran
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