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Grimms' Fairy Tales

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and there sat a very, very old woman, who could not keep her head from
shaking. 'Can you tell me,' asked the girl, 'if my betrothed husband
lives here?'

'Ah, you poor child,' answered the old woman, 'what a place for you to
come to! This is a murderers' den. You think yourself a promised bride,
and that your marriage will soon take place, but it is with death that
you will keep your marriage feast. Look, do you see that large cauldron
of water which I am obliged to keep on the fire! As soon as they have
you in their power they will kill you without mercy, and cook and eat
you, for they are eaters of men. If I did not take pity on you and save
you, you would be lost.'

Thereupon the old woman led her behind a large cask, which quite hid her
from view. 'Keep as still as a mouse,' she said; 'do not move or speak,
or it will be all over with you. Tonight, when the robbers are
all asleep, we will flee together. I have long been waiting for an
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