One day, as they were riding along by a brook, the princess began to
feel very thirsty: and she said to her maid, 'Pray get down, and fetch
me some water in my golden cup out of yonder brook, for I want to
drink.' 'Nay,' said the maid, 'if you are thirsty, get off yourself, and
stoop down by the water and drink; I shall not be your waiting-maid any
longer.' Then she was so thirsty that she got down, and knelt over the
little brook, and drank; for she was frightened, and dared not bring out
her golden cup; and she wept and said, 'Alas! what will become of me?'
And the lock answered her, and said:
'Alas! alas! if thy mother knew it,
Sadly, sadly, would she rue it.'
But the princess was very gentle and meek, so she said nothing to her
maid's ill behaviour, but got upon her horse again.
Then all rode farther on their journey, till the day grew so warm, and
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