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Food Remedies - Facts About Foods And Their Medicinal Uses

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likewise be boiled in only just enough soft water to be absorbed during
the cooking. One cup of rice should be put on in a double saucepan with
three cups of cold water and tightly covered. When the water is all
absorbed the rice will be cooked.

The large-grained, unpolished rice sold at "Food-Reform" stores at 3d.
per lb. absorbs the water and cooks much more easily than a smaller
variety sold at 2d. I have found the latter most unsatisfactory.


Rhubarb is a wholesome and cooling spring vegetable, and may well take
the place of cooked fruit when the latter is scarce. But it is
generally forbidden to rheumatic and gouty patients on account of its
oxalic acid. This oxalic acid is supposed to combine with the lime in
the blood of the gouty person, and to form crystals of oxalate of lime,
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