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Food Remedies - Facts About Foods And Their Medicinal Uses

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provoke choleraic diarrhoea.

The prune, a variety of dried plum, has been recommended as a remedy
against viciousness and irritability. An American doctor declares that
there is a certain medicinal property in the prune which acts directly
upon the nervous system, and that is where the evil passions have their
seat. He reports that he tried the experiment of including prunes in the
meals of the vicious, intractable youths of a reformatory, and that by
the end of a week they were peaceable as lambs. Most writers who comment
on this seem to suggest that any fruit which is mildly aperient would
produce the same effect. But the mother of a large family tells me that
she has observed that prunes seem to possess a soothing property that is
all their own.

_Prune Tea._

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