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Food Remedies - Facts About Foods And Their Medicinal Uses

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patient's mouth must be washed out with warm water. The juice may now be
given with a silver teaspoon. It is possible that the patient may be
quite unable to swallow any of it. If this be so, the juice will serve
as a mouth and throat wash. It will gradually dissolve the membrane, and
enable it to be scraped gently away with the spoon. The juice should be
given, and the throat scraped as far down as the nurse can reach, as
often as the patient can bear it. The time will come, sooner or later,
when the juice is swallowed. No other food should be given. The nurse
may have to work away for some hours before any juice is swallowed, but
my friend assures me that if the scraping be done gently and skilfully,
even children will bear it patiently. Only a silver or bone spoon should
be used, and, needless to say, it must be well scalded in boiling water
in the intervals of using.

It is a remarkable fact that while pine-apple juice exercises this
remarkable corrosive power upon diseased mucous, its effect upon the
most delicate, healthy membrane is absolutely harmless. I have seen
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