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Food Remedies - Facts About Foods And Their Medicinal Uses

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and impurities in the body, but the effect of a vegetable diet,
especially when united with the use of distilled water, is to cause all
our diseases and impurities to be expelled outwards and downwards. Tea
is a slow poison, and so is coffee except under exceptional conditions
when it is used as a medicine, and then it should always be

Fruit should always be eaten at the beginning of a meal. Again, when the
diet consists of a mixture of cooked and uncooked foods, the uncooked
should always be eaten first. Also when the meal consists of two
courses, a sweet and a savoury dish, sufferers from indigestion should
try taking the sweet course first. I have known several cases where this
simple expedient has resulted in a complete cessation of the discomfort
of which the patient complained.

_A Pioneer of Food Remedies._
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