plentifully in fruits are the chief agents in purifying the blood from
these rheumatic and gouty poisons.... Dr. Buzzard advises the scorbutic
to take fruit morning, noon, and night. Fresh lemon juice in the form of
lemonade is to be his ordinary drink; the existence of diarrhoea should
be no reason for withholding it." The writer goes on to show that
headache, indigestion, constipation, and all other complaints that
result from the sluggish action of bowels and liver can never be cured
by the use of artificial fruit salts and drugs.
Salts and acids as found in organised forms are quite different in their
effects to the products of the laboratory, notwithstanding that the
chemical composition may be shown to be the same. The chemist may be
able to manufacture a "fruit juice," but he cannot, as yet, manufacture
the actual fruit. The mysterious life force always evades him. Fruit is
a vital food, it supplies the body with something over and above the
mere elements that the chemist succeeds in isolating by analysis. The
vegetable kingdom possesses the power of directly utilising minerals,
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