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Food Remedies - Facts About Foods And Their Medicinal Uses

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and gives a complete menu for a week in which the foods that supply the
place of the less wholesome fish, bacon, or meat, are clearly indicated.

There are also several pages of delightful recipes that will help to
gladden the table of any housewife in the kingdom, and in addition there
is a complete price list of every health food upon the market that can
be recommended, and of the most up-to-date and novel appliances for
cooking and preparing food.

There is an all but endless array of breakfast foods--bread, cakes,
biscuits, etc., etc., that are not only beneficial because of what they
contain, but are free from the injurious chemical adulterants so largely
used nowadays.

But send for our booklet and see for yourself what it contains, or if
you are near give us a call. You may shop, lunch, dine, and take tea
with us. Our Health Food Stores will supply everything you need for a
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