_Please write for "Food Remedies."_
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+A Word about Nut Foods.+
The high value of Nuts has long been known, but until lately no attempt
has been made to manufacture them in a form available for domestic use.
This, however, is now changed, as a splendid variety of excellent
preparations are ready to hand, owing to the enterprise of +Messrs.
Mapleton+, in the shape of such useful products as +Nutter+ and +Nutter
Suet+, which supersedes Lard, Suet, and Cooking Butter in the kitchen.
Also delicious Table Butters--+Walnut+, +Cocoanut+, and +Cashew+--all of
which are four times as nutritious as Dairy Butter. Other goods are +Nut
Meat, Nut Gravy, Nut Biscuits, Nut Cakes, Fruitarian Cakes,+ &c. A Post
Card will bring a Booklet describing these goods, with Recipes for their
use, on application to
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