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Food Remedies - Facts About Foods And Their Medicinal Uses

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that, instead of injuring your nerves and toughening your food, is

+Absolutely Safe and Delightful?+

2s. 2d.; 2s. 10d.; and 3s. 6d. per lb.

+THE UNIVERSAL DIGESTIVE TEA+ is ordinary Tea treated with oxygen, which
neutralises the injurious tannin. Every pound of ordinary tea contains
about two ounces of tannin. Tannin is a powerful astringent subject to
tan skins into leather. The tannin in ordinary tea tans, or hardens, the
lining of the digestive organs, also the food eaten. This prevents the
healthful nourishment of the body, and undoubtedly eventuates in nervous

On receipt of a post card the UNIVERSAL DIGESTIVE TEA CO., Ltd.,
Colonial Warehouse, Kendal, will send a sample of this Tea and name of
nearest Agent, also a Descriptive Pamphlet compiled by Albert Broadbent,
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